Congratulations on your new dentures! This information sheet will assist you with your adjustment to new dentures. The adjustment period can last anywhere between a few weeks to a few months depending on: the type of denture you receive, your dental history, and other factors. Even long-term denture wearers will undergo adjustment periods with a new set of dentures. Please remember that dentures are not permanent, as changes continue to occur in the bone and soft tissues of your mouth. Periodically, your dentures will require adjustments and relines to ensure a long service life and comfort. If you have any questions about your new dentures please call our office.
BREAKING IN PERIOD: Most new dentures require a breaking in period before they become comfortable. This length of time varies with each individual patient depending upon their ability, determination, and perseverance to learn how to use them. First, you must learn to keep them in place, and then gradually begin to use them.
WHAT TO EXPECT: At first, it's normal to feel awkward with your new dentures. Your appearance will probably undergo a slight change, your speech may seem altered, and some areas of your mouth may feel too full. You may also experience excess saliva initially until your mouth is used to wearing dentures. Time, patience, and some training will soon bring about a relaxation of the facial muscles and begin to alleviate some of the apparent problems.
SORE SPOTS: Soreness from uneven pressure on the gums may develop at any time. This is not unusual and should be expected, especially if you have not worn a denture before. Sore spots are best corrected if the dentures are worn for at least 3-6 hours before returning to the office for an adjustment appointment. This will allow a more precise detection of the offending areas inside the denture, which are corrected by trimming.
SPEAKING: Learning to talk with your new dentures in place requires some patience and perseverance. Reading aloud is a very good way to learn to enunciate distinctly, especially those sounds or words that are not clear. Try to avoid any movements of the lips and tongue that tend to displace the dentures or cause them to click. Careful practice and repetition may help to hasten the process and produce a return to your normal, confident speech.
EATING: Start with soft foods. Take small bites, chew slowly and try to overcome the difficulties as they arise. Keep the food distributed evenly on both sides and chew on the back teeth. To bite foods that normally require the front teeth, such as apples or corn on the cob, apply pressure backwards against the front when closing. If the denture begins to dislodge, biting with the side teeth may be an easier alternative. More difficult foods such as steak and carrots will require a gradual learning curve. Initially, it is recommended that you avoid eating sticky, hard, or chewy foods.
LOOSENESS: If you have had teeth removed immediately prior to placement of the denture, it will soon feel loose, mainly due to the gum shrinkage that occurs as the gums heal. Complete